
Soulsway Love.

scroll down to hear what our clients have to say.

"Soulsway is so invigorating and beautifully moving. I feel so supported to explore my freedom with the spectrum of guidance provided by the teachers. The combination of movement, inspired words and on-point music enables me to drop deeply into all of myself. I feel led and taken care of and don’t ever want it to end."
Erin Carlson
"This practice makes me feel free in my body. It gives me permission to truly listen to myself and do what feels best for me no matter what is being prescribed. I am able to do as much or little as I desire which is so refreshing and feels so loving."
Simbi Hall
"In a time when so much is uncertain, I’m so very grateful for the space you provide to remember to come home to myself - my body, my spirit, my sacredness. Feeling so so held by the frequencies of your practice and your soul-stirring words to delve into the many layers of my experience and the power and beauty that continuously live there. It is truly a magical experience. I love getting to explore things in the comfort of my own home and space that I might not have dove as deeply into in shared physical space. I look forward to coming to this practice to connect so beautifully to my humanity as much as my divinity."
Araceli Del Rio
"Soulsway creates a safe space for you to surprise yourself and blossom in; the experience can go from having wild fun and letting go to sinking into the sensuality of the quiet moments. Janelle and Alexis are incredible teachers who are as skilled as they are kind and intuitive. More than a class, it becomes a rich and immersive journey."
Shuré Jewell
"The class has truly changed my life. It has changed how I have sex, how I workout, and how I relate to my body. I feel more connected to my body, sensuality, and self than ever before. The balance of structure and freedom helped me feel both held and free to explore. I am able to continue to practice movement on my own and continue to connect to myself on a whole new level!"
Courtney Kamen
"The class is structured and flexible at the same time. It allows me to drop deep into my emotional body, connect with my higher self while giving total permission to my body to be open to explore what is pleasurable. Alexis and Janelle are very receptive and skilled, they take you on a journey with ease and grace, leading toward self love and self mastery. It's a very powerful, and complete experience. Every time is different because they are able to create a space where you are completely present moment by moment. I can't wait for more!"
Arianna Veronisi​
"This practice is something I have craved for a long time. The merging of the spiritual. mental, emotional and physical aspects is something I’ve always had to cultivate on my own in previous practices. It’s so refreshing to have it all addressed in one class so I can focus on the fullness of having the experience versus trying to create it. The permission and power I feel in my practice is a gift I get to carry throughout the rest of my life."
Faith Jarrat Rouse
"I had no idea what I was doing but I really appreciated the freedom and encouragement to explore what felt good for my body. I was also surprised by how relaxing it felt both during and after. It reminded me of some aspects of yoga but without the pressure to 'do it right' and all of the other loaded aspects that yoga comes with. I was recovering from an injury that made it very difficult to exercise for a few months and soulsway helped me scratch that itch safely and even felt rehabilitating."
Mike Turner
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