
Your Natural Microdose.

our movement COnnects science + soul — to unleash your potential.

Alexis & Janelle have been featured in:

Unlearn & Unleash.

Powerful tools developed for you through 10+ years of working with A-list Celebrities & Fortune 100 Execs .

Release yourself from gaze & judgement.

We are afraid to be seen trying. Soulsway was created as a practice to help ourselves and others to reclaim the space we all need to experiment and find our true selves. From the lighting design — that you can replicate at home — to the practices we teach in each class, soulsway is designed to help you focus inward. Freeing you from the burden of being perceived.
Our physical, mental and emotional health is crucial. Soulsway offers a reliable, accessible ritual of daily self-care and vital time to nurture your soul-body connection.

Why soulsway works...

soulsway offers a unique blend of scientifically proven movement and meditation methods to bring you back into your most powerful self…physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In classes, you'll experience a moving meditation to regulate your nervous system and find both comfort and confidence in your own skin.

to help high-performing women
step-into their potential

The thing holding most women back in today's society is the broken relationship with themselves — mind, body & soul — are out of alignment. We developd soulsway after seeing this gap in connection to help these brilliant women unlock their self-soruced power.

What does a

class look like?

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What does a soulsway class . like?

Our variety of classes meet your unique needs

Create your ideal practice through our on-demand and livestream studio membership. On your time, your terms

Your first 7 days of soulsway are on us.

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